About Us

Bright Light Homes

At Bright Light Homes, our mission is to empower individuals, offering them the necessary resources and assistance to lead independent and fulfilling lives. We are dedicated to fostering their success within their communities, actively promoting their wellbeing and independence every step of the way.
At Bright Light Homes, we believe in a human-centered approach that prioritizes understanding the experiences of individuals to effectively address their challenges. We tailor our services to meet the distinct needs of each person, fostering stability and enrichment in their lives. This commitment extends to providing access to essential resources and opportunities, enabling full participation in community life, and upholding their civil rights.
Who We Serve

We are dedicated to serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We understand and appreciate the unique abilities of each individual, and our mission is to ensure that they are equipped with the right tools to thrive in their community. Our caregivers collaborate closely with both individuals and their immediate circles to address their distinctive needs.